Sunday 24 December 2017

Water Logging

  • Introduction
Water Logging refers to the saturation of soil with water.
It is a phenomena in which productivity of land gets affected due to rise in water table,thus leading to flooding of root zone of the plants.
  • Cause
1. Inadequate surface drainage.
2. Seepage from canal system.
3. Over and intensive irrigation of field.
4. Heavy rainfall.
5. Submergence due to Flood.
6. Irregular topography.
  • Effects
1. Inhibiting activity of soil bacteria.
2. Decrease in availability of Camilla water.
3. Rise in level of salt in the surface soil.
4. Reduction in productivity of crop.
5. Growth of wild flora which decrease in crop yielding.

  • Remedial Measures for Controlling Water Logging
1. Lining of canal and water courses.
2. Reduction in intensity of irrigation.
3. Crop rotation.
4. Optimum use of  water.
5. Providing well drainage system.
6. Introduction of Lift irrigation.

                                                             (Special Thanks to Mr. Animesh Bhunia for his helping hand)

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