Wednesday 20 December 2017

What is Turbidity

Turbidity is a Physical characteristics of water.

  • Definition

It is the property of water by means of which light is scattered at right angle to the incident light beam when the pass through the water, due to the presence of suspended particle in it.
          Turbidity depends upon the presence of suspended particle in the water.

  • Measuring Devices
1. Turbidity rod
2. Jackson's Turbidity Meter
3. Bayli's Turbidity Meter 
4. Modern Nephlometer

  • Measuring Units
1. NTU ( Nephelometric Turbidity Unit )
2. JTU ( Jackson Turbidity Unit )
3. FTU ( Formazin Turbidity Unit )

  • Permissible Limit 
10 to 25 NTU for drinking water

  • NOTE
JTU is equal to the turbidity produced by 1mg Sio2 in 1Lt of  distilled water.

FTU is equal to the turbidity produced by 1mg Formazin in 1Lt of  distilled water.

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